
Strategic Development

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How does it work

Our support takes many forms, such as campaigns to raise awareness about different funding options (financial instruments and investment platforms, in particular), strategies for designing a specific investment programme and help building up local teams’ skills. We enhance the competencies of promoters and beneficiaries, enabling them to embark on projects independently in the future.

We support projects that focus on innovation, environmental and social sustainability, climate impact and circularity.

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Transfer of knowledge

Our extensive knowledge in the financial and technical aspects of preparing a project helps clients hone their strategy.


Development of skills and expertise

Our experts bring unique technical and financial knowledge developed over more than a decade of working in a broad range of sectors and policy areas.


Sharing of best practices

Our clients learn best practices from EIB experts, local partners and external consultants on the ground.


Access to our network

The expertise of our economists, engineers, financial analysts and climate specialists ensure the success of projects we work on.

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What can we offer

Awareness raising, networking and dissemination of best practices

General or specific information disseminated via events, seminars and conferences designed to facilitate the exchange of best practices, general knowledge and sources of information, as well as the best use of EU funds.

Policy advice, planning and strategic programming support

Working with public or quasi-public entities at the national or regional level to develop specific policies or programmes to address social needs or market gaps and to define ways to tackle those issues.

Coaching, training and capacity building

General guidance, review of business strategy and change management to achieve better results, targeted coaching, capacity-building activities to enhance promoters’ ability to deliver successful and effective projects.

Who is eligible

  • European Commission
  • EU Member States and national/regional ministries
  • Nations and ministries outside the European Union
  • Managing authorities of EU Member States
  • National promotional banks (particularly small ones)
  • Private-sector companies (including small and medium-sized businesses)
  • Partner organisations outside the European Union
  • Financial intermediaries and final beneficiaries

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Financial instruments

  • fi-compass is a platform on financial instruments under the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). fi-compass is provided by the European Commission in partnership with the EIB.

EU-funded projects

  • JASPERS focuses on large projects in cohesion regions. A project’s total cost should exceed €50 million for environmental projects and €75 million for transport or other sectors.
  • Project Advisory Support Service Agreements (PASSA) boost the implementation of EU-funded projects by combining the knowledge of EIB staff and third-party consultants.
  • TARGET aims at closely assisting EU coal, peat and oil shale regions with the identification and preparation of clean energy and energy efficiency projects to support a just transition.

Public-private partnerships

  • EPEC, the European PPP Expertise Centre supports the public sector across Europe in delivering better public-private partnerships (PPPs).

Research and innovation

  • InnovFin advisory support helps research and innovation projects and innovative companies secure the finance needed to reach their potential.

Energy efficiency

  • ELENA is a facility supporting local authorities in the delivery of their energy efficiency projects via a team of experts (engineers and economists) with extensive experience in the transport and energy sector.
  • NER 300 financial advisory provides financial advice to innovative low-carbon energy demonstration projects within the European Union, with an objective of helping these projects become bankable.
  • TARGET aims at closely assisting EU coal, peat and oil shale regions with the identification and preparation of clean energy and energy efficiency projects to support a just transition.


We provide advisory services and technical assistance outside the European Union (all along the project cycle, i.e. from project preparation to project implementation) in relation to a wide range of different sectors and geographies drawing on various funding sources such as:

We also manage technical assistance programmes outside the EU aimed at building capacity of financial intermediaries, microfinance institutions and final beneficiaries with the objective to improve financial inclusion and SME banking, targeting in particular segments that traditionally have been excluded from financial services (e.g. refugees).

Southern Neighbourhood and Western Balkans

Eastern neighbourhood

  • EPIC offers Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine free advisory support and technical assistance to improve transport connections.
  • Municipal Project Support Facility (MPSF) provides technical assistance to municipalities in Eastern Partner countries.

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Lending to clients of all sizes to support sustainable growth and job creation


Through our investments in equity and funds we stimulate and catalyse private capital


Covering risks of large and small projects, as well as loan portfolios

Advisory services  

Technical and financial expertise for our clients

  • Last modified-on: 01-09-2022