
The EIB in the circular economy

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Awareness raising

We develop and share knowledge on the circular economy transition. We raise awareness by:

  • improving the framework conditions for financing (e.g. through involvement in multi-stakeholder circular economy fora),
  • facilitating knowledge sharing and capacity building (e.g. in conferences),
  • preparing studies to identify market barriers and funding gaps,
  • preparing circular economy guidance material and documents.

Advisory support

We help circular businesses mitigate risks and improve the investment readiness of their projects. Here’s how:

  • support in circular economy project pipeline development,
  • review circular projects, identification of gaps/weaknesses, advise on improvements,
  • advise on financing options within and outside the EIB Group,
  • facilitate contacts to relevant market actors.

The above services are provided via InnovFin advisory and European Investment Advisory Hub.


Through "risk sharing", we provide finance to circular economy projects/promoters with a typically higher risk profile.

We apply our financing expertise by:

  • leveraging horizontal (market) studies to further define funding gaps,
  • recommending internal EIB-managed instruments and/or Investment Platforms (IP), where necessary,
  • structuring/implementing Investment Platforms that mobilise public/private investors.

Find more information on InnovFinEuropean Fund for Strategic Investments and Access to EU finance.

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Circular design and production

Smart design and production that reduce waste and recycle materials at the beginning of a product's lifecycle are essential to ensure circularity.

Strategies: reduce, recycle

Discover how a factory in Zaragoza improves its sustainability and energy efficiency  



Circular use and life extension

Business models that increase the value and use of a product during an extended life are essential to shift to a circular economy. Over time, extending product life through proper care and repair reduces the need for people to buy more.

Strategies: reuse, repair, repurpose, refurbish, remanufacture

Read about lower interest rates for SMEs committed to circular economy  


Circular value recovery

Value recovery models aim to maximise recovery and recycling of a product after its end-of-life stage. The value recovery models reduce waste and conserve resources.

Strategies: recycle, recover

See how titanium recycling gives Europe a valuable new metal supply  


Circular support

Support and facilitation of all circular strategies in all lifecycle phases.

Strategies: reduce, recycle, reuse, repair, repurpose, refurbish, remanufacture, recover

Read how how coastal plastic waste gets a new lease of life  

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Further reading


Highlighted stories

Discover how our work paves the way to a circular transition


Press releases

  • Last modified-on: 02-12-2019