

Green Hydrogen Fund

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Seo Title

[Green Hydrogen trust fund]

Seo Description

[The Green Hydrogen Fund is an EIB trust fund financing technical assistance operations for the inclusion of green hydrogen in the decarbonization strategies of low and lower-middle income countries.]



Green Hydrogen Fund

Seo Title

[Green Hydrogen trust fund]

Seo Description

[The Green Hydrogen Fund is an EIB trust fund financing technical assistance operations for the inclusion of green hydrogen in the decarbonization strategies of low and lower-middle income countries.]


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The Green Hydrogen Fund is an EIB trust fund set up to support green hydrogen infrastructure projects around the world to help achieve the climate goals of the Paris Agreement as well as the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through the fund, green hydrogen projects receive grant support as well as the technical assistance needed to achieve bankability and come to fruition. 

Transforming the global energy system and industrial sectors is essential in the fight against climate change. Electricity from renewable sources has a great role to play in climate action, but it alone cannot meet the need to decarbonise sectors such as the cement and chemical industries as well as air and sea transport. Green hydrogen has great potential to address this shortfall. The Green Hydrogen Fund supports the critical transformation of the global energy system and industrial sectors to reach a net zero economy.

Green hydrogen, or renewable hydrogen, is achieved through the electrolysis of water powered by renewable energy, such as wind and solar. The challenge of decarbonising hard-to-abate sectors can be met through the use of renewable hydrogen and its derivatives, called Power-to-X (PtX) products. Renewable hydrogen can also be used to produce fuels such as kerosene, or ammonia for fertilisers.

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At a glance



Donor contributions to the Green Hydrogen Fund support green hydrogen infrastructure projects and contribute towards the achievement of decarbonisation strategies:


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Donor funds committed

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Our donors


Germany is the first country to contribute to the Green Hydrogen Fund.

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Investment grants


Investment grants reduce the overall cost of a project. GHF Investments Grants are dedicated to specific projects for specific purposes, which include the purchase of equipment, facilities, securities, and services, and are typically blended with financing from Development Finance Institutions such as the EIB.

Through investment grants, the GHF assists renewable hydrogen projects to attain financial viability, by reducing the cost of renewable hydrogen and its derivative products to levels competitive with alternatives already available in the market.

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Technical Assistance


Technical Assistance from the fund supports green hydrogen projects in their preparatory phase through:

• institutional capacity building,

• pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies, finance facilitation activities and/or proof of concept pilots,

• upstream (diagnostic) studies, or other related advisory services, including policy.

Under the GHF, Technical Assistance activities are foreseen to support projects achieving bankability and prepare and evaluate investment grants.



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Activities that address the renewable hydrogen value chain, including the industrial sector, focusing on those industries and their supply chains in which there is deemed to be sufficient demand as well as potential for decarbonisation through renewable hydrogen and its derivatives.

In order to promote the development and of viable and comprehensive value chains, any project which contributes to the production and adoption of renewable hydrogen and/or its derivative products, may be supported by the Fund (non-exhaustive list):

  • projects to generate renewable electricity, when the power is linked to the hydrogen production project,
  • projects to provide water suitable for electrolysis, including desalination of seawater, when the water is linked to the hydrogen production project,
  • projects to manufacture, install and/or operate electrolysis of water meeting the relevant standards for renewable hydrogen,
  • projects to produce, store, transport and/or distribute renewable hydrogen and/or its derivative products, and
  • projects to rehabilitate, upgrade and/or replace equipment and/or facilities permitting the use of renewable hydrogen and/or its derivative products.

In addition, such projects should:

  • be deemed technically feasible, financially viable and economically justifiable,
  • intend to produce and certify renewable hydrogen in accordance with relevant EU standards,
  • meet EIB’s relevant standards, supported projects follow the EIB project cycle,
  • foresee complete or partial export to European countries, including the European Economic Area (EEA),
  • have European companies, including from the EEA, involved in their value chain,
  • be (partially) comprised of associated infrastructure, such as infrastructure related to accessibility,
  • comply with EU State aid rules, as applicable,
  • achieve a minimum of three times leverage ratio.


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Geographical scope


The Green Hydrogen Fund may provide financial and advisory support to the following regions: 



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How to get support


Enquire if your project is eligible for support under the Green Hydrogen Fund.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Donor-financed operations through our trust funds make a direct contribution to several of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our collective actions unlock billions of euros in investment to combat climate change, eradicate poverty and fight inequality. These are some of the global goals targeted by our trust fund. 

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Donor-funded instruments


The Green Hydrogen Fund provides investment grantstechnical assistance and advisory services to countries located outside of the European Union.

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Green Hydrogen Fund overview


This flyer provides an overview of the trust fund's activities in 2022.




Key publications

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Highlighted stories

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Press releases
