

Microfinance in Mali: Opportunities for farmers and cooperatives


Building on our strong partnership with microfinance institutions in Africa like Kafo Jiginew in Mali is helping communities in vulnerable states to confront the economic, social and health impact of the pandemic. The EIB is ready to do more in Team Europe Global Response to COVID-19.

Seo Title

[Microfinance in Mali: Opportunities for farmers and cooperatives]

Seo Description

[Building on our strong partnership with microfinance institutions in Africa like Kafo Jiginew in Mali is helping communities in vulnerable states to confront the economic, social & health impact of the pandemic. The EIB ready to do more in Team Europe Global Response to COVID-19.]



Microfinance in Mali: Opportunities for farmers and cooperatives


Building on our strong partnership with microfinance institutions in Africa like Kafo Jiginew in Mali is helping communities in vulnerable states to confront the economic, social and health impact of the pandemic. The EIB is ready to do more in Team Europe Global Response to COVID-19.

Seo Title

[Microfinance in Mali: Opportunities for farmers and cooperatives]

Seo Description

[Building on our strong partnership with microfinance institutions in Africa like Kafo Jiginew in Mali is helping communities in vulnerable states to confront the economic, social & health impact of the pandemic. The EIB ready to do more in Team Europe Global Response to COVID-19.]


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