

Fado pitching challenge: Glowbl


Do you think that Bérengère can finish pitching Glowbl within 40 seconds or would she need to go back to her virtual classroom to rehearse a bit longer? Watch to find out!

Seo Title

[Fado pitching challenge: Glowbl]

Seo Description

[Do you think that Bérengère can finish pitching Glowbl within 40 seconds or would she need to go back to her virtual classroom to rehearse a bit longer? Watch to find out!]



Fado pitching challenge: Glowbl


Do you think that Bérengère can finish pitching Glowbl within 40 seconds or would she need to go back to her virtual classroom to rehearse a bit longer? Watch to find out!

Seo Title

[Fado pitching challenge: Glowbl]

Seo Description

[Do you think that Bérengère can finish pitching Glowbl within 40 seconds or would she need to go back to her virtual classroom to rehearse a bit longer? Watch to find out!]


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