

Measuring the EIB Group’s impact: Methods and studies


The EIB Group, invests in projects and operations that make a real difference to people’s lives, as well as protecting the environment and tackling climate change. Impact therefore drives everything the Group does. Its shareholders — the Member States of the European Union — ask the Group to support investments that are not just financially sound, but also transform the lives of people across Europe and around the globe.

This report provides an overview of the methods we use at the EIB Group to track and understand our impact. It shows the interrelationship between the different instruments we have at our disposal. For example, it describes how we meticulously incorporate the assessment of results and impact into the Bank’s systems to provide our own decision-makers and stakeholders with consistent and reliable information on what our projects achieve, and to make sure that our operations achieve the greatest impact. It shows how we estimate the macroeconomic impact of EIB Group activities and demonstrates how we complement systematic results assessment with targeted economic studies to gain deeper insights into how our projects ultimately impact people’s lives.

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[Measuring the EIB Group’s impact: Methods and studies]

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Methods and case studies: how the EIB Group uses results tracking, macroeconomic modelling and in-depth studies to measure impact.




Measuring the EIB Group’s impact: Methods and studies


The EIB Group, invests in projects and operations that make a real difference to people’s lives, as well as protecting the environment and tackling climate change. Impact therefore drives everything the Group does. Its shareholders — the Member States of the European Union — ask the Group to support investments that are not just financially sound, but also transform the lives of people across Europe and around the globe.

This report provides an overview of the methods we use at the EIB Group to track and understand our impact. It shows the interrelationship between the different instruments we have at our disposal. For example, it describes how we meticulously incorporate the assessment of results and impact into the Bank’s systems to provide our own decision-makers and stakeholders with consistent and reliable information on what our projects achieve, and to make sure that our operations achieve the greatest impact. It shows how we estimate the macroeconomic impact of EIB Group activities and demonstrates how we complement systematic results assessment with targeted economic studies to gain deeper insights into how our projects ultimately impact people’s lives.

Seo Title

[Measuring the EIB Group’s impact: Methods and studies]

Seo Description


Methods and case studies: how the EIB Group uses results tracking, macroeconomic modelling and in-depth studies to measure impact.



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