

EIB Group Risk Management Disclosure Report 2019


Reflecting its statutory duty to conform with best banking practice, the EIB Group aims to comply with relevant EU banking legislative acts and guidelines. Consequently the EIB Group publishes annually its Risk Management Disclosure report, which is designed to provide information about the approach the Group takes in managing the main risks it is exposed to and assessing its capital adequacy, leverage and liquidity.

In addition to following the principles set out in the Capital Requirements Directive and Regulation the Risk Management Disclosure report considers guidelines and opinions of the European Banking Authority, as well as the Standards Documents from the Basel Committee of Banking Supervision on disclosure requirements.

Seo Title

[EIB Group Risk Management Disclosure Report 2019]

Seo Description

[The EIB Group publishes annually its Risk Management Disclosure report, which is designed to provide information about the approach the Group takes in managing the main risks it is exposed to and assessing its capital adequacy, leverage and liquidity.]



EIB Group Risk Management Disclosure Report 2019


Reflecting its statutory duty to conform with best banking practice, the EIB Group aims to comply with relevant EU banking legislative acts and guidelines. Consequently the EIB Group publishes annually its Risk Management Disclosure report, which is designed to provide information about the approach the Group takes in managing the main risks it is exposed to and assessing its capital adequacy, leverage and liquidity.

In addition to following the principles set out in the Capital Requirements Directive and Regulation the Risk Management Disclosure report considers guidelines and opinions of the European Banking Authority, as well as the Standards Documents from the Basel Committee of Banking Supervision on disclosure requirements.

Seo Title

[EIB Group Risk Management Disclosure Report 2019]

Seo Description

[The EIB Group publishes annually its Risk Management Disclosure report, which is designed to provide information about the approach the Group takes in managing the main risks it is exposed to and assessing its capital adequacy, leverage and liquidity.]