

EIB Environmental and Social Standards Overview


Promoting sustainable and inclusive development is at the heart of the EIB’s objectives and its lending strategy. The EIB Group Environmental and Social Policy provides the overarching framework for the Group’s commitments and a vision for the critical decade up to 2030, placing sustainable finance at the centre of everything the EIB does. To honour its sustainability commitments, the EIB has adopted a set of 11 environmental and social standards that establish the requirements the promoter and the project must meet throughout the EIB project life cycle. This publication provides a summary of these standards.

Seo Title

[EIB Environmental and Social Standards Overview]

Seo Description


An brief overview of the recently published revised set of EIB Environmental and Social Standards.




EIB Environmental and Social Standards Overview


Promoting sustainable and inclusive development is at the heart of the EIB’s objectives and its lending strategy. The EIB Group Environmental and Social Policy provides the overarching framework for the Group’s commitments and a vision for the critical decade up to 2030, placing sustainable finance at the centre of everything the EIB does. To honour its sustainability commitments, the EIB has adopted a set of 11 environmental and social standards that establish the requirements the promoter and the project must meet throughout the EIB project life cycle. This publication provides a summary of these standards.

Seo Title

[EIB Environmental and Social Standards Overview]

Seo Description


An brief overview of the recently published revised set of EIB Environmental and Social Standards.



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