

What is mediation?


Mediation is a form of dispute resolution in which the parties are invited to get together, talk about their concerns and develop forward-looking solutions with the help of independent facilitators. The mediators — officers from the Complaints Mechanism and/or external facilitators — remain impartial and do not impose solutions. They help the parties find common ground and understand each other’s perspectives, positions and interests.

Seo Title

[What is mediation?]

Seo Description

[Mediation is a form of dispute resolution in which the parties are invited to get together, talk about their concerns and develop forward-looking solutions with the help of independent facilitators. ]



What is mediation?


Mediation is a form of dispute resolution in which the parties are invited to get together, talk about their concerns and develop forward-looking solutions with the help of independent facilitators. The mediators — officers from the Complaints Mechanism and/or external facilitators — remain impartial and do not impose solutions. They help the parties find common ground and understand each other’s perspectives, positions and interests.

Seo Title

[What is mediation?]

Seo Description

[Mediation is a form of dispute resolution in which the parties are invited to get together, talk about their concerns and develop forward-looking solutions with the help of independent facilitators. ]


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