

EIB Group Carbon Footprint Report 2018


"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." Peter Drucker

The EIB Group has been measuring and managing the environmental impact of its operations since 2007. In that time we have grown to meet the needs of European citizens (and beyond) by providing sustainable finance to tackle Climate change across the globe. The continued growth of our business resulted in more business travel activity and notably more flights, which have risen concurrently. Several other emissions sources linked to employee numbers also increased in 2018, such as mobility emissions.

Despite continued growth in employee numbers, we are pleased to report that our emissions intensity has fallen by 51.8% since 2007 despite an increase of nearly 160% in our employee numbers and we remain well ahead of our target to reduce relative emissions by 20-30% by 2020.

Seo Title

[EIB Group Carbon Footprint Report 2018]

Seo Description


The EIB Group has been measuring, managing and reporting its GHG emissions resulting from its own internal activities since 2007.




EIB Group Carbon Footprint Report 2018


"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." Peter Drucker

The EIB Group has been measuring and managing the environmental impact of its operations since 2007. In that time we have grown to meet the needs of European citizens (and beyond) by providing sustainable finance to tackle Climate change across the globe. The continued growth of our business resulted in more business travel activity and notably more flights, which have risen concurrently. Several other emissions sources linked to employee numbers also increased in 2018, such as mobility emissions.

Despite continued growth in employee numbers, we are pleased to report that our emissions intensity has fallen by 51.8% since 2007 despite an increase of nearly 160% in our employee numbers and we remain well ahead of our target to reduce relative emissions by 20-30% by 2020.

Seo Title

[EIB Group Carbon Footprint Report 2018]

Seo Description


The EIB Group has been measuring, managing and reporting its GHG emissions resulting from its own internal activities since 2007.
