

EIB Global’s approach to a just transition and just resilience


The European Investment Bank (EIB) is one of the largest multilateral providers of climate finance, and is committed to advancing climate action and environmental sustainability through its Climate Bank Roadmap. So that no people or places are left behind, the EIB has made ensuring a just transition for all one of the four overarching objectives of its roadmap.  This document presents the overarching approach through which EIB Global, together with partners, can support countries, clients and organisations in pursuing a just transition and a just resilience outside of the EU.

EIB also supports just transition efforts in the EU and has, jointly with the multilateral development banks, adopted a set of common Just Transition High-Level Principles.

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[EIB Global’s approach to a just transition and just resilience]

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[This document presents the overarching approach through which EIB Global, together with partners, can support countries, clients and organisations in pursuing a just transition and a just resilience.]



EIB Global’s approach to a just transition and just resilience


The European Investment Bank (EIB) is one of the largest multilateral providers of climate finance, and is committed to advancing climate action and environmental sustainability through its Climate Bank Roadmap. So that no people or places are left behind, the EIB has made ensuring a just transition for all one of the four overarching objectives of its roadmap.  This document presents the overarching approach through which EIB Global, together with partners, can support countries, clients and organisations in pursuing a just transition and a just resilience outside of the EU.

EIB also supports just transition efforts in the EU and has, jointly with the multilateral development banks, adopted a set of common Just Transition High-Level Principles.

Seo Title

[EIB Global’s approach to a just transition and just resilience]

Seo Description

[This document presents the overarching approach through which EIB Global, together with partners, can support countries, clients and organisations in pursuing a just transition and a just resilience.]