

The Global Gateway in Latin America and the Caribbean


The Global Gateway is the European Union’s contribution to narrowing the global investment gap. Launched in 2022, the Global Gateway covers five main themes - climate and energy, digital, education and research, health, and sustainable transport. It is implemented through a Team Europe approach, involving the EU institutions, the EU Member States and their public development banks.


The European Investment Bank has signed 15 Global Gateway contracts in Latin America and the Caribbean for a total of €1.7 billion since 2022 and is expected to mobilise investments of around €4.6 billion in the coming years.

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[The Global Gateway in Latin America and the Caribbean]

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[This publication gives an overview of the Global Gateway, its mission, activities and investments in Latin America and the Caribbean.]



The Global Gateway in Latin America and the Caribbean


The Global Gateway is the European Union’s contribution to narrowing the global investment gap. Launched in 2022, the Global Gateway covers five main themes - climate and energy, digital, education and research, health, and sustainable transport. It is implemented through a Team Europe approach, involving the EU institutions, the EU Member States and their public development banks.


The European Investment Bank has signed 15 Global Gateway contracts in Latin America and the Caribbean for a total of €1.7 billion since 2022 and is expected to mobilise investments of around €4.6 billion in the coming years.

Seo Title

[The Global Gateway in Latin America and the Caribbean]

Seo Description

[This publication gives an overview of the Global Gateway, its mission, activities and investments in Latin America and the Caribbean.]