

European Commission

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European Commission, Brussels

Seo Title

[European Commission donor profile]

Seo Description

[The European Commission is the largest contributor to EIB trust funds, providing valuable support and assistance to development projects in sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Partnership countries and the EU's Southern Neighbourhood.]



European Commission

Seo Title

[European Commission donor profile]

Seo Description

[The European Commission is the largest contributor to EIB trust funds, providing valuable support and assistance to development projects in sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Partnership countries and the EU's Southern Neighbourhood.]


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The European Commission is EIB’s leading trust fund contributor, as well as being the largest contributor of grant resources to the EIB via regional EU blending facilities. Since 2005, the Commission has contributed a total of €654.5 million to three EIB-managed funds. The Commission is a co-founder of, and donor to, the award-winning EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) that facilitates financing for complex infrastructure projects in sub-Saharan Africa. The Commission also supports projects in the EU’s Neighbourhood through its contributions to the FEMIP Trust Fund (FTF) and the Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund (EPTATF).

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Why partner with us

Donor partnerships provide an effective vehicle for donors looking to deliver sustained impact in developing countries. They enable donors to work with the EIB to unlock projects with high socio-economic returns, reaching out to people and places with additional support for targeted development outcomes. EIB activities outside the EU account for around one third of EU development aid. All contributions to EIB donor funds are considered Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligible.

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