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- Factsheet: Financing a city’s or region’s long-term capital investment programme - EIB framework loans
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- Factsheet: Financing a city’s or region’s long-term capital investment programme - EIB framework loans
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Cities and regions have a variety of financing needs. When a single large investment project needs long-term funding, the European Investment Bank (EIB) can provide dedicated project-specific loans, which we call Investment loans. Framework loans are different: they are used to finance tens or even hundreds of projects in different sectors. Framework loans are the most flexible financial instrument for cities and regions.
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Cities and regions have a variety of financing needs. When a single large investment project needs long-term funding, the European Investment Bank (EIB) can provide dedicated project-specific loans, which we call Investment loans. Framework loans are different: they are used to finance tens or even hundreds of projects in different sectors. Framework loans are the most flexible financial instrument for cities and regions.
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