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- EIB and other long-term investors support green economy transition
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- EIB and other long-term investors support green economy transition
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- Summary
- On the eve of the “Rio + 20 Summit”, leading financial institutions and investors, represented by the Long Term Investors’ Club, have confirmed their shared commitment to contribute to financing of the transition to a green economy.
- Article
On the eve of the “Rio + 20 Summit”, leading financial institutions and investors, represented by the Long Term Investors’ Club, have confirmed their shared commitment to contribute to financing of the transition to a green economy.
The 14 leading global financial institutions and institutional investors, with a combined balance sheet total of US $ 3.2 trillion, recognise the scale and challenge of investment needed for a green economy.
The Long Term Investors’ Club members support the Rio + 20 Agenda and agree to encourage investment in climate and environment projects and support efforts to develop innovative public-private instruments. They call for a broader dialogue with all stakeholders involved to reduce risks posed by a changing climate.
The global financial institutions and investors acknowledge their responsibility towards future generations and are committed to supporting the massive financial investments required for transformation to a green economy. They recognise that twenty years after the first Earth Summit, transition to a green economy poses a greater challenge and offers more opportunity for our societies and economies.
The need for greater recognition of long-term investment needs by regulators to improve the impact of investment was also reinforced by members of the Long Term Investors’ Club.
The Long Term Investors’ Club is a member driven and project oriented organization endowed with a Charter that formally recognises the importance of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues.
Please find attached:
- the common statement
- the MDB joint statement for Rio+20
- the statement on Commitment to Sustainable transport
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