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  • Portugal: Three JESSICA urban development funds

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  • Three JESSICA urban development funds in Portugal

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  • The European Investment Bank and the Government of Portugal today announced the creation of three Urban Development Funds (UDFs) to support urban regeneration in certain regions of Portugal. The operational contracts were signed in Lisbon this morning by representatives of the EIB and the respective fund managers in the presence of the Government of Portugal’s Minister of Economy and Employment, Àlvaro Santos Pereira, and Minister of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning,  Assunção Cristas.

    The three Urban Development Funds signed today will be managed, respectively, by:

    • a consortium of Caixa Geral de Depósitos SA (CGD) and Instituto da Habitação e da Reabilitação Urbana IP (IHRU) for approximately EUR 51 million;
    • Banco BPI SA (BPI) for approximately EUR 64 million;  
    • Turismo de Portugal IP (TdP) for approximately EUR 15 million.

    The funds will be made available in the form of loans, quasi-equity and/or equity for urban projects that are included in an integrated plan for sustainable urban development in the relevant regions.

    The relevant areas of investment are:

    • urban rehabilitation and regeneration including urban infrastructure and facilities
    • regeneration;
    • energy efficiency and renewable energy in urban areas;
    • urban economic revitalisation with special focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (“SMEs”) or innovative companies;
    • information and communications technology dissemination in urban areas, including broadband and wireless infrastructure.

    These UDFs are set up in Portugal under an Agreement between the Government of Portugal and the EIB establishing Portugal’s JESSICA Holding Fund in the framework of the region’s European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) operational programme. This Agreement laid down the operating mechanism of the EUR 130 million fund, managed by the EIB. The capital contributions came from the Regional Operational Programmes for Norte, Centro, Lisboa, Alentejo and Algarve and part of the national match funding has been provided by the DGTF (General Directorate of Treasury and Finance).

    JESSICA (Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas) is an initiative, developed by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank together with the Council of Europe Development Bank, that enables Member States to use part of their grants (the so-called structural funds) to make refundable investments in the urban environment.

    The European Investment Bank is the long-term financing institution of the European Union (EU), working to further European objectives. The Bank’s financing is geared to well-defined European policies.

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  • Last modified-on: 09-11-2011