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  • Amsterdam European Council: statement by EIB President

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  • EIB President, Sir Brian Unwin, welcomes conclusions of the Amsterdam European Council

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  • Commenting on the European Council conclusions, the President of the EIB, Sir Brian Unwin said:

    "I very much welcome the recognition by the European Council of the important contribution the European Investment Bank can make to creating employment opportunities in Europe. I note the request from the Council to the Bank to step up its activities in such areas as large infrastructure projects (Trans-European Networks in particular), the financing of technological innovation through small and medium-sized enterprises, and in the fields of education, health and urban environment. As it has done on previous occasions (for example in response to requests from the Edinburgh, Copenhagen and Essen summits in 1992, 1993 & 1994), the Bank will respond as quickly and constructively as possible to the Council's request. Acting in consultation with the European Investment Fund (of which the EIB is a shareholder) and with the European Commission, the Bank will bring forward early specific proposals for approval by its governing bodies."

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  • Last modified-on: 06-07-2009